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Diocesan policy mandates that any employee or volunteer having contact with minors must complete an initial training session and a criminal background check. This includes teachers, coaches, substitutes, volunteers, or anyone else having contact or working with the students. Once you have attended the Initial Education class, you must visit to take the Continuing Ed class on a yearly basis. 
Click here for instructions for the Continuing Education Training Online.
Click here for policies and reporting procedures.

This program creates awareness regarding child and sexual abuse facing our society today. For the safety of our students, please help us to enforce this policy. Teurlings Catholic offers several initial training sessions throughout the year. The dates and times are found in the REBELNATION NEWS and on Renweb.  If you have any questions or need more information, please call Tisha Collado, Safe Environment Coordinator, at (337) 235-5711 extension 261 or email her at


If your child requires any medication on campus (prescription or over the counter) you will need to have your child's physician complete this form. The Medication Order Form is also needed for any asthma inhaler, epi pen or other emergent medication on TCHS campus. Please contact the school nurse, Amanda Camel ( or 337-235-5711 ext. 111)  once this is complete.


Voluntary Student Accident Insurance is available through HSR (Health Special Risk) underwritten by Mutual of Omaha.


Over the past few years the facilities at Teurlings Catholic have been expanded to meet the needs of the growing number of students on campus. Out of concern for the safety and security of our students, faculty, and visitors, Teurlings added a full-time School Resource Officer. The addition of a full-time school nurse also adds yet another professional to our staff, further contributing to a safer and healthier environment for our students.
The additional growth, though, has warranted the need for extended student supervision both before and after school. In order to provide a safer and more secure environment for our students, we are implementing the following changes:

TCHS School Hours are 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Morning Supervision:
  • Gates to the school will open at 6:15 AM for morning testing and club/team activities.
  • All other students may come on campus no earlier than 6:30 AM.
Afternoon Supervision:
  • 2:30-3:00 PM in the main breezeway. Students waiting for rides must report to the main breezeway at 2:30 PM.
  • WE EMPHASIZE THAT ALL STUDENTS WAITING FOR RIDES MUST BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN 3:00 PM.  (There is no duty teacher supervision beyond this time.)
  • If school is dismissed early, supervision will continue for 30 minutes after the regular dismissal. For example, if TCHS is on an early dismissal schedule with a 12:35 PM dismissal, supervision will be extended to 1:05 PM and all students should be picked up by that time.
  • Please be reminded all students waiting for rides must remain in the breezeway area and must be picked up at that location.