Course Descriptions
English Department
English I
English I (Honors)
English II
English II (Honors)
English III
English III (Honors)
English III (DE)
English IV
English IV (Honors)
English IV (DE)
Publications I: (Yearbook)
Publications II/III: (Yearbook)
Fine Arts Department
Art I
Fine Arts Survey
Theatre I, Advanced Theatre, Advanced Theatre II
Theatre I/Drama, Theatre II/Drama
Foreign Language Department
French I
French II
French II (Honors)
French II (DE)
Spanish I
Spanish II
Mathematics Department
Algebra I
Algebra I (Honors)
Geometry (Honors)
Algebra II
Algebra II (Honors)
Algebra III
Advanced Math I/Precalculus
Advanced Math I/Precalculus (Honors)
Advanced Math II/Functions & Statistics (Honors)
Advanced Math II/Functions & Statistics (DE)
Calculus/Trigonometry (Honors)
Calculus/Trigonometry (DE)
Physical Education Department
Health/P.E. I
Health/Athletic P.E. I
Athletic PE II/III/IV
Introduction to Sports Medicine
Science Department
Physical Science
Physical Science (Honors)
Biology I
Biology I (Honors)
Chemistry (Honors)
Biology II
Biology II (Honors)
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Anatomy and Physiology (Honors)
Physics (Honors)
Environmental Science
Nutrition and Food
Social Studies Department
World Geography
World Geography (Honors)
Civics (Honors)
U.S. History
U.S. History (Honors)
U.S. History (DE)
World History
World History (Honors)
World History (DE)
Religious Studies
Theology I - 9th Grade
Theology I (Honors) - 9th Grade
Theology II - 10th Grade
Theology II (Honors) - 10th Grade
Theology III - 11th Grade
Theology III (Honors) - 11th Grade
Theology IV - 12th Grade
Theology IV (Honors) - 12th Grade
Campus Ministry - 12th Grade