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Department Head: Stacy Freeman


It is the goal of the Teurlings Catholic Foreign Language Department to prepare students to be lifelong learners of the desired target language and its associated cultures.  The classes are organized around the four goals of foreign language study: speaking, listening, writing, and reading which provide the student with necessary basic communication skills. These skills aid the student in communicating effectively both orally and in writing in a second language.  Students will also increase their knowledge of the function of a language as well as reach a greater awareness of their own native language. In addition, students will gain a better understanding and appreciation of foreign cultures and how they compare to their own.


This course is geared toward the beginning student who wishes to learn French.  The material is organized around the four goals of foreign language study; speaking, listening, writing and reading which provide the student with the vocabulary and grammar necessary for basic communication skills.  The course emphasizes the mastery of these skills through guided thematic chapters and through communication in real-life situations. Activities require structured responses as well as encourage free communication. Selected readings from the text and from the local community are examined in order to show connections to other disciplines.  Students are exposed to the culture, history and geography of France and its people so they may understand the differences between American and French lifestyles.
The second year of French is a continuation of the goals of French I.  The student continues the study of French life and culture as well as communication in the target language.  Special attention is given to more complex grammatical structures and to increasing vocabulary and improving writing skills.  Emphasis is placed on building confidence in speaking and in making comparisons between the native and target languages. Students work towards an understanding of the government, economics and cultural exchanges of the French speaking world along with the study of the major periods of French history and their influence on modern society.  Classes will work with French prayers and be exposed to the folklore and customs from the French culture in which they live. Material is presented in French as much as possible so that the use of the language skills studied can become a daily occurrence.
*Prerequisite: completion of French I.
FRENCH II (Dual Enrollment)
This course continues the study of French grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and culture begun in French I.  However, students enrolled in Dual Enrollment French II will receive high school credit for the French II course as well as up to 6 college French credits upon successful completion of the course.  Work will reinforce concepts previously studied as well as incorporate more detailed vocabulary and grammatical structures related to these topics. Material is presented in French as much as possible so that the use of the language can become a daily occurrence.  Emphasis will be placed on written communication, composition, and oral fluency. Students will produce daily writing samples and will be expected to interact with the teacher and with classmates in the target language on a daily basis. Cultural studies will focus on France’s influence in the world and the diversity of the French language and of the people who speak it.  Applicants must be a Sophomore, Junior or a Senior, have completed French I with an A or a B, have a GPA of 3.0 for 10th-11th grade/ 2.75 for 12th grade, and have an ACT composite score of a 20. In addition, ACT sub scores of an 18 in English and a 19 in Math will be required.
*Additional fee per 3 hour course will apply
This course is designed for the beginning student who wishes to learn Spanish. Study is organized around the four goals of foreign language learning: speaking, listening, writing and reading. These fundamentals provide the student with the vocabulary necessary for basic communication skills. Emphasis is placed on incorporating the language into everyday conversation. Skills are developed through oral and written practice along with the study of thematic lessons. In addition to text work, students are exposed to the Spanish culture and language through the study of and participation in cultural activities.
The second year of Spanish is a continuation of the foundation established in Spanish I. The student continues the study of Spanish vocabulary and grammar, broadening their understanding of the language and culture. Emphasis is placed on more complex grammatical structures as well as improving speaking and writing skills. Material is presented in Spanish as much as possible so that the use of the language skills studied can become a daily occurrence.
*Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish I
SPANISH III (Online Dual Enrollment)
Spanish III Dual Enrollment in as online course which can be taken upon completion of Spanish I and II.  Students enrolled in the class may receive up to 6 college credits in Spanish upon successful completion of coursework.  Studies reinforce the vocabulary and grammatical structure presented in the first two years of Spanish as well as continue to present more complex speaking and writing skills. Emphasis is placed on improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.  Applicants must be a Sophomore, Junior or a Senior, have completed Spanish II with an A or a B, have a GPA of 3.0 for 10th-11th grade/ 2.75 for 12th grade, and have an ACT composite score of a 20. In addition, ACT sub scores of an 18 in English and a 19 in Math are required.
*Additional fee per 3 hour course will apply