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Teurlings Catholic offers limited financial assistance to those families meeting the criteria established by the TCHS Advisory/Financial Assistance Committee as defined below:
  • Students applying for financial assistance must be registered for the current school year with the registration fees paid.
  • The student must maintain a minimum GPA of 1.7. If the student fails to maintain a 1.7 GPA after completion of one year, the student will not be eligible for financial assistance the following year.
  • The Vice Principal will make a recommendation in May based on the following for each financial aid recipient: effort, attitude, discipline record, and school attendance.
Students must complete an online application through the FACTS Management Company. TCHS is required to use an outside, impartial source to evaluate the financial need of families. Questions regarding the application are to be directed to FACTS Management Company. Families are notified in writing mid-May regarding the status of their application.

Note: There is a $35.00 non-refundable fee for this application process. 





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